Site in reconstruction
The performance has been performed 14 times outdoors in The Hague and Rotterdam over the past few summers.
Urban spaces become theatrical landscapes. The performances evolve and are recreated in each new space we encounter. There are three performers and different scenes.
The duration of each performance depends on the space chosen and the new form it takes.
The project was financed by Performing Art Fund NL the municipality of The Hague and Kylian productions.
Dancers: Christie Lou Partelow, Katarina Van den Wouwer ,Yumi Kawabara, Lorenzo Capodieci ,David Krugel.

Ellie & Lo
The duet Ellie & Lo was created in October 2022 and performed five times in Regentes Theatre & The Grey Space in the Middle in The Hague.
The project is financed by the municipality of The Hague.Thanks to Kylian productions for their contribution.

Creation December 7/9 -2021. 5 performances in De Nieuwe Regentes Theatre.The Hague.
Hybrid Talks duration is 50 minutes. The audience sits on chairs or a small tribune placed on the stage/performance ground, for a close dive into the show.
Inspired by Arthur Rimbaud’s phrase “Je est un autre” (I is another),
choreographer Karine Guizzo creates a theatrical landscape inhabited by dancer Lorenzo Capodieci and sound artist Xavier van Wersch. The two performers play with identity, reality and fiction, using experimental musical instruments and various objects that each carry their own history.
Geïnspireerd door de zin “Je est en autre” (Ik is een ander) van Arthur Rimbaud creëert choreografe Karine Guizzo een theatraal landschap, bewoond door danser Lorenzo Capodieci en geluidskunstenaar Xavier van Wersch. De twee artiesten spelen met identiteit, realiteit en fictie en maken daarbij gebruik van experimentele muziekinstrumenten en diverse objecten die ieder hun eigen geschiedenis hebben.
The project is supported by the Performing Arts Fund NL, the Municipality of The Hague, and Theater De Regentes.

After many months of restriction due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Karine Guizzo felt a strong urge to play again – to create and explore new forms and styles of theater.(2020)
Especially aimed at an adult audience, this tragicomic dance experiment plays with hints of burlesque eroticism and contemporary dance.
Special thanks to the Municipality of The Hague for the funding of this project, and Kylián Productions for their support.

We are Monuments
shaped by our singularities, shared history , imagination and mysteries.
During the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdown, heart-wrenching images of lonely, isolated seniors flashed across our screens daily.
These images and the precarious struggle inspired the creation of a choreography for three dancers from different generations.
It brought about the desire to explore this space and time we inhabit together and the need to play with it.
The project was funded by Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds